Friday, March 13, 2009

Darkstalkers Tribute Entry: Hsien-Ko

Weeeeell... my artwork wasn't one of the chosen images for the Darkstalkers Tribute contest, but that's ok!

I feel like I got a really good portfolio piece out of it, so the time was well spent. :)

Thanks again to those who wished me well with my entry! <3


Unknown said...

Sorry it didn't get chosen, Shelly. Love the smiley bomb!

Unknown said...

wow i think it's amazing i really like it!!!

bem69 said...

still a great piece of artwork there, sorry you didn't win

Holly said...

Awww, its okay, it looks cool for your portfolio!

Vanessa said...

Hi Shelly! Glad you found a dupe of your eyeliner, you are really talented! Just looking at some of your work and it's amazing, isn't it crazy how we would look like as a cartoon??

Pop-Monkey said...

Well, now I don't know anybody who made it in -- at least until they publish the list of "invited professionals" who will be in the book. Seems like it's going to be a huge book, judging by the number of people who got selected. Wonder if there's a blog somewhere where all the "losers" can post their entries? I'll have to look into that.
Nice piece, by the way. Definitely a departure from the typical Udon/Capcom house styles.